Wills and Complete Collected Works

gsafran at STANFORD.EDU gsafran at STANFORD.EDU
Fri Mar 21 22:05:59 UTC 2003

Dear Seelangers,
I've been unsuccessfull researching two topics and am ready to ask for

First, does anyone know of a study of writers' wills in Russia in the
nineteenth or earlier twentieth centuries?  There seems to be a lot of
work published on medieval and early modern wills, then less and less
as we get closer to the present.  I'd also be interested in knowing
about specific writer's wills that have been published.  (I already
know something about Turgenev's, though.)

Second, does anyone know when Russian writers began to issue (or have
issued after their death) complete collected works?  I know that a lot
of complete collected works in Russian include letters, which I think
is less common in other traditions - but I might be wrong.  It seems
like the kind of topic someone may have written an article about, but
if so, I haven't been able to locate it.

Thanks for any help!

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