
Alina Israeli aisrael at AMERICAN.EDU
Thu Mar 27 00:28:52 UTC 2003

>All the time they talk about Soviet paper money, naming them as before
>Revolution, "chervontsy" -the golden 10 ruble-coin.

Interestingly enough, 10 ruble notes are usually red
(http://coins2001.narod.ru/bon/10r18.htm), so it corresponds to the
meaning of "chervonyj" which in Russian survives only in connotation
of a typo of gold, but not so in other Slavic language (for ex. West
Alina Israeli
LFS, American University
4400 Mass. Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20016

phone:  (202) 885-2387
fax:    (202) 885-1076

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