Russian war films

Valery Belyanin Vbelyanin at MTU.RU
Thu Mar 27 13:56:49 UTC 2003

Dear Jonathan,
To my mind
"Ballad of a Soldier" is really great and full of patriotism,
compassion and erotics:). And it is really a good choice. Though it is
black and white. I worked with it for years in Moscow State University
(using pre-film and post-film exercises)

"Ivan's Childhood" I would say is rather metaphorical and psychoanalytical.
_A zori zdes' tikhie_ is very depressive (all the young girls die) and
it is long - 2 parts (more than 2 h 30 min).
_Mesto vstrechi izmenit nelzja_ is about fighting bandits after war
"Idi i smotri" seemed to me very naturalistic and very aggressive.
"Proverki na dorogax" is untypical (it was censored and appeared on
the screen some 20 years later) but rather realistic.

Best regards, Valery Belyanin, Editor of

Wednesday, March 26, 2003, 10:26:13 PM, you wrote:
DS> Two stunning and unforgetable films set during WWII:
DS> "Ballad of a Soldier" directed by Grigory Chukhrai 1959 (90 min.);
DS> "Ivan's Childhood" directed by Andrei Tarkovsky 1962.
DS> Donna T. Seifer

Jonathan Gray <jflgray at PACBELL.NET>
>> I am soliciting recommendations of Russian films about the Second World
>> War.  Would like to include in a course on Russian civilization.  Much
>> thanks.

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