Russian war films

Sylvia Swift madonna at SOCRATES.BERKELEY.EDU
Fri Mar 28 01:26:18 UTC 2003

my favorites are the ones shot during the war, especially (forgive my

_Mashen'ka_ (Raizman, Mosfilm, 1942), available from RBC Video if
they still exist.

_Ona zashchishchaet rodinu_ (Ermler,  Mosfilm, 1943), available at
the Stanford University library.  The English version was called _No
Greater Love_.

_Sekretar' raikoma_ (Pyr'ev, TSOKS [Alma-Ata] 1942), RBC Video.

the series i'm most dying to see:

Boevye kinosborniki (assorted directors, assorted studios, 1941-1942).

there is a newish film that will be playing in april at the san
francisco international film festival next month.  it takes place at
the end of the war, and the three main characters speak russian,
finnish and sami to each other.  this is directed by that same
rogozhkin of _Chekist_, _Blokpost_, and  _Peculiarities of the
National . . ._.  definitely worth a look:

_Kukushka_ (Rogozhkin, ?studio, 2002).  Sony is distributing it as _Cuckoo_.

for your lectures, take a look at the chapter "Test" from Jay Leyda's
_Kino: A History of Russian and Soviet Film_ on film production
during the war, and the anthology by James van Geldern and Richard
Stites, _Mass Culture in Soviet Russia:  Tales, Poems, Songs, Movies,
Plays and Folklore:  1917-1953_ which includes a cassette with
popular war songs (including a variant of _Blue Kerchief_ which turns
up in Bodrov's _Prisoner of the Mountains_).

sylvia swift
madonna at

>I am soliciting recommendations of Russian films about the Second World
>War.  Would like to include in a course on Russian civilization.  Much


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