OCS icons or church inscriptions

Danko Sipka Danko.Sipka at ASU.EDU
Mon Mar 31 17:30:21 UTC 2003

This is the site you are looking for


Make sure to click on the darkest rectangle beneath the icon as it will give
you the best resolution with legible OCS characters.

Also, this page may be interesting in teaching OCS:



Danko Sipka
Associate Professor Research and Associate Director
Critical Languages Institute (http://www.asu.edu/cli)
Arizona State University
Danko.Sipka at asu.edu
phone: 480-965-7706

> I'm doing an OCS course with some students who would like to practice
> reading texts on icons or in inscriptions in Russian Orthodox churches.
> Could anyone recommend some books (or websites?) with good pictures for
> such readings?

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