evgeny shvarts' "The Dragon"

Svetlana Grenier greniers at GEORGETOWN.EDU
Mon Mar 31 19:49:58 UTC 2003

Just a quick note:  the film is based on Vasil' Bykov's povest' "Sotnikov", and it takes place in Belarus', I believe.  I agree that it is a very good film (and the book too).

Svetlana Grenier

> "The Ascension" directed by Larissa Shepitko, with score by Alfred Schnittke, about local collaboration with the Nazis in a Ukrainian village during the War. Not an easy film, but deals with important moral issues. My students appreciated it.
> Harlow Robinson
> Northeastern University
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Svetlana Slavskaya Grenier
Associate Professor, Slavic Languages
PO Box 571050
Georgetown University
Washington, DC 20057-1050
202-687-6108, fax 687-2408

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