job listing

Emily Johnson emilydjohnson at OU.EDU
Thu Apr 1 17:04:29 UTC 2004

The University of Oklahoma seeks an instructor (adjunct: paid by the
course) to teach one section (5 hours) of first-semester Russian and
one section of second-semester Russian (5 hours) in the fall of 2004.
The ideal candidate will have experience teaching Russian to
American students and at least some graduate training in a relevant
field (A.B.D preferred).  He or she will be both personable and
organized and should be prepared to take part in Russian club
activities and events.   In as much as ten hours is considered a full-
time load at OU, health benefits will be provided.  Continued
employment is possible.

Russian enrollment at the University of Oklahoma has doubled over
the course of the last two years.  We have a thriving bilateral exchange
(semester and academic year) with the Nevsky Institute of St.
Petersburg and a growing number of majors.   We hope to find a
candidate who can help us to sustain and build upon the recent trend
towards increased enrollment.

Applicants should send a current c.v. and at least one letter of
recommendation to:

Dr. Emily Johnson
Dept. of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval, Room 206
Norman, OK 73071

Applications will be considered as they are received.  OU is an Equal
Opportunity Employer.

Please feel free to contact me directly by phone or email for additional
information on the position or our program.

emilydjohnson at

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