
Christopher Tessone tessone at POLYGLUT.NET
Thu Apr 1 19:10:20 UTC 2004

>>>>> "Genevra" == Genevra Gerhart <ggerhart at COMCAST.NET> writes:

    Genevra> Greetings, Seelangists!  Could someone tell me if there
    Genevra> is a regular radio or TV outlet for Vl.  Pozner's views?

I believe he's still the host of "Vremena" on ORT, which a number of
satellite providers in the US carry.  His prazdniki.ru page,


mentions a number of other programs, including radio shows, but I'm
not sure how up-to-date that list is.


Christopher A. Tessone, OBK
Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois
BA Student, Russian

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