looking for an appartment in Moscow

Saskia d344630 at ER.UQAM.CA
Fri Apr 2 20:13:53 UTC 2004

Dear Seelangers,

I'm posting this on behalf of a good friend going to Russia do to some
research and turn some shots for a documentary of russian art. She is
looking for an appartment to rent in Moscow, clean, 2 bedrooms, inside the
circle line and the nearest possible to a subway station.

She will be travelling either from May 17th to 29th  OR  from June 23rd to
July 5th.

Anyone willing to rent an appartment for this period is welcome to contact
me off-list (Saskia Ouaknine <d344630 at er.uqam.ca> ) or her directly (Pascale
Ferland <pascale.da at sympatico.ca> ). Or maybe if you can refer us to someone
renting appartments in Moscow at reasonnable prices, it can surely help too.

Thank you in advance !

Montreal, Canada

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