Spitting nails in Czech

Edil Legno peitlova at TISCALINET.IT
Mon Apr 5 09:01:23 UTC 2004

-  silena vzteky ,  or  - besnici seem to be enogh expressive.

Katarìna Peitlovà,Ph.Dr.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Leslie Farmer" <Zemedelec at AOL.COM>
Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2004 3:08 AM
Subject: [SEELANGS] Spitting nails in Czech

> A Czech Californian friend who has published several books in Czechia is
> looking to me for a Czech equivalent of "She was mad enough to spit
nails." Your
> correspondent was referring to her redheaded mother, who probably could
> produced napalm on the spot when she go mad enough.    Is there one?
> zurit jako pominuta all seem to lack the excessive, explosive quality of
the US
> slang. Any clues?
> Leslie
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