
Jamie and Robert Hawkins jbennett26 at NYC.RR.COM
Mon Apr 5 18:52:21 UTC 2004

Dear Cathy,

With my recent experiences, I could only advise as to the safety of
crossing Amsterdam (Avenue), i.e. I don't get out much.  Your message
prompted me to send you a note, though.  Hope you and your family are
well.  I've been working quite hard on my dissertation and hope to
finish in the next couple weeks.  I always remember your advice:  "Just
get it done!" and that's what I'm doing now.  I wanted to ask you if
you have heard of any teaching positions or other jobs for next year.
I'm taking a couple days off to look at the job market for high schools
as well as universities and it's pretty bleak.  Thanks in advance.


P.S.  The other day when you were crossing Amsterdam, I called "Hi,
Cathy" but you didn't hear me.  Then my kids started yelling "Hi,
Cathy" and Olya heard them.  It was cute that they made the connection
before we did!  I'd love to get them together some time.

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