Russian Summer Camps for Children

Andrew John Conovaloff ajconova at STUDENT.GC.MARICOPA.EDU
Mon Apr 5 23:53:53 UTC 2004

In Phoenix AZ we created a Russian Childrens' Center with
classes 2 days a week organized by families to help their
kids retain Russian language and culture. The kids are
from Russian-born immigrant famliles, American husband
Russian-bride families, and American couples who adopted
Russian orphans. See:

How old are your kids? Maybe you could network with other
Tucson Russian families to organize a group event at least
once a week, perhaps hiring one of the many young
immigrants there to conduct Russian language fun programs.

A better plan is to send the kids home to relatives in
Russia for the entire summer. 2-3 months of immersion
every year will really work.

On Mon, 5 Apr 2004 10:03:41 -0700
  Teresa Polowy <tpolowy at U.ARIZONA.EDU> wrote:
>Does anyone know of any Russian summer camps for children
>anywhere in the country? I have in mind children who are
>native speakers (but are losing their Russian in the US)
>and children who are heritage speakers. Please let me
>know of anything you might have heard about.
>Teresa Polowy
>Associate Professor of Russia
>Departmental Graduate Advisor
>University of Arizona

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