book inquiry

Andrew M. Drozd adrozd at BAMA.UA.EDU
Mon Apr 12 15:26:29 UTC 2004

Dear SEELangers:

    I have been trying to find a copy of the following book:

E. A. Rykhlik, Poeticheskaiia deiatel'nost' Frantsa Ladislava
Chelakovskogo (Kiev, 1915).

The only copy I have seen listed is at U. of Chicago library but it is
reported missing. If anyone happens to know the location of another
copy, please contact me.


Andrew M. Drozd
Associate Professor of Russian
adrozd at

Department of Modern Languages and Classics
Box 870246
University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0246

tel. (205) 348-5720
fax. (205) 348-2042

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