book inquiry

Paul B. Gallagher paulbg at PBG-TRANSLATIONS.COM
Thu Apr 15 23:10:53 UTC 2004

Alex wrote:

> Hello, Paul!
> I tried this:
> Набрал первое, что "на ум взбредет" - Tibor Deri...
> No matches!
> Тогда попробовал Adam Wisniewski-Snerg...
> Уже лучше... нашло "Nagi Cel" (на немецком, похоже...)
> И это все?
> Google выдал целую  кучу всякой всячины!
> Wow! When I typed "Adam Wisniewski-Snerg" it even
> found my old letter to SEELANGS! Fantastic...
> A.P.

If you want mentions of a book, or quotes from it, or reviews of it,
etc., Google is certainly best. And I imagine your emails don't appear
in any published books.

Bookfinder's mission is to help you actually get your hands on a
physical copy of an obscure book. I'm guessing they're probably better
at English-language books. FWIW.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
pbg translations, inc.
"Russian Translations That Read Like Originals"

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