HIV test for long-term (3+months) Russian visa?

Renee Stillings | Alinga renee at ALINGA.COM
Mon Apr 19 14:05:33 UTC 2004

The Russian consulates are requiring this for any visa more than 3 months in
duration, without question. At the San Francisco and Seattle consulates they
can additionally request notarized translations of the HIV test - a good
reason to avoid those consulates.

The university you are working with may be refering to the fact that they
(the university) does not need the HIV test - as with certain types of
students they also can require the HIV test- and in some St. Petersburg
schools are requiring that it be taken again upon arrival.

Renee Stillings

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nicole Monnier" <monniern at MISSOURI.EDU>
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 9:56 AM
Subject: [SEELANGS] HIV test for long-term (3+months) Russian visa?

> Dear SEELANGS-ers,
> Does anyone have recent experience with/knowledge of the HIV test
> requirement for long-term Russian visas? The US State Department claims
> any American visitors staying 3+ months needs one, but the university with
> which we¹re working claims our semester study abroad students do NOT need
> be tested. Needless to say, the ever-helpful Russian Embassy page is (as
> as I can determine) wholly silent on the subject.
> Curiously,
> Nicole
> X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
> Dr. Nicole Monnier                                             email:
> monniern at
> Assistant Professor of Russian                          phone:
> Director of Undergraduate Studies (Russian)     fax:  573.884.8456
> German & Russian Studies Dept.
> 415 GCB
> University of Missouri
> Columbia, MO  65211
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