AWSS Conference announcement

Beth Holmgren beth_holmgren at UNC.EDU
Tue Apr 20 02:22:42 UTC 2004

The Association for Women in Slavic Studies (AWSS), with the
sponsorship of the UIUC Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center,,
will hold its first conference June 24-25, 2004 at the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

For conference program, travel, and lodging information and
registration forms,see

Please note that EARLY  REGISTRATION ends May 15th.

Faculty/non-students: $50 before May 15th; $60 after May 15th.
Students: $25 before May 15th; $30 after May 15th.

All registration  forms and fees go to:
Michelle Denbeste
AWSS Treasurer
Department of History
California State University Fresno
5340 N. Campus Drive, MS21
Fresno, CA 93740
email: mdenbest at

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