Fw: "War's Unwomanly Face" published "in full"

Elena Gapova e.gapova at WORLDNET.ATT.NET
Tue Apr 20 13:48:02 UTC 2004

"U voiny ne zhenskoe litso", Moskva: Palmira, 2004; 317 pp.

The famous book by the Belarusian (Russian-writing and currently
living in Paris) writer Svetlana Alexievich "U voiny ne zhenskoe litso"
has been finally published in full by the Moscow publishing house "Palmira".
This time, the author was able to include new episodes and to "reinstall"
what had been cut out by the censor, adding excerpts from conversations
with the censors from her diary.

The book, based on oral history (more than 500 interviews with Soviet
women who were in WWII) was first published in 1985. In 1988
izdatel'stvo "Progress" published an English edition; the title was
translated as "The War's  Unwomanly Face" (which is not exactly what
the author meant). Later, the book was translated into 20 languages and
published in many countries.

This is one of the most famous books on WWII. Its title has become a
"krylataya fraza"  in the former SU. More at:

Other books by Alexievich (all based on hundreds of
interviews) include:
Последние свидетели /The Last Witnesses (on children in WWII)
Цинковые мальчики /Zinky Boys (on war in Afghanistan)
Чернобыльская молитва /The Chernobyl Prayer (on Chernobyl disaster and its
aftermath) - I think the English edition is titled "Chronicles of the

Elena Gapova

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