DVD-players that work with PAL DVDs

David Goldfarb dgoldfar at BARNARD.EDU
Tue Apr 20 14:53:57 UTC 2004

I recently purchased a Malata all-region DVD player for around $200 from
Kim's Video in New York, and it's handled PAL, region-2, DVD's as well as
VCD's and audio CDs from Poland with no problems, and it handles all the
conversions automatically without having to deal with menus, and it
produces an image in the correct aspect ratio.  They had another one in
stock for around $100, which the salesperson recommended at first (I think
on the grounds that most people who buy an all-region player will rarely
use that feature), but it turned out that that one could not in fact be
relied upon to render the full image with accurate proportions, and it
required going through a menu to switch regions.

David A. Goldfarb
Assistant Professor
Department of Slavic Languages
Barnard College
Columbia University
3009 Broadway                           dgoldfarb at barnard.edu
New York, NY 10027-6598                 http://www.echonyc.com/~goldfarb

On Tue, 20 Apr 2004, Jolanta Davis wrote:

> The discussion about Ruscico reminded me that I've been meaning to buy a
> DVD player on which I could watch movies purchased in Europe. But I don't
> even know what and where to look for it. Does anyone have any suggestions?
> thanks
> Jolanta
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