Looking for short-term rentals in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Emily Johnson emilydjohnson at OU.EDU
Mon Apr 26 14:20:07 UTC 2004

I am looking for short-term rentals in Moscow and St. Petersburg for this summer.  I will be
in Moscow from June 11-July 7.  I plan to be in St. Petersburg from July 8-July 27.  In each
city I am hoping to find a modest apartment located near a metro station. It would need to be
furnished with basic necessities (kitchen things, linens, basic furniture, phone) but does not
need to have been brought up to a European standard.  A TV, washing machine, and gas
water heater would be wonderful, but they are not absolutely necessary.  The apartments
should be located in relatively safe areas.  They do not have to be in the center.  I have lived
in Russia for long periods of time in the past and can provide references from previous

I am traveling on an academic budget, so my funding is not unlimited.  I can pay up to
$1,200 in Moscow and up to $600 in Petersburg, depending on the location and condition of
the apartment.

Please email me off- list if you have any suggestions.  emilydjohnson at ou.edu

Thanks, Emily Johnson

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