Cheap lodgings in Prague for week in May?

Geoffrey Chew uhwm006 at SUN.RHUL.AC.UK
Tue Apr 27 16:21:33 UTC 2004

On Tue, 27 Apr 2004, Nicole Monnier wrote:

> A colleague of mine in the International Center is traveling to Prague
> 9-16 May, and - most unfortunately - the housing arrangements for her
> and her husband have fallen through. They¹re looking for something in
> the $50/night range. B&B¹s and short-term apartment rentals are most
> acceptable. Any recommendations on the eve of the official tourist
> season (1 May) and the usual hike in Prague tourist costs?

Try the Czech Yellow Pages at and fill in "ubytování"
(must have diacritics) under Kategorie and "praha" under Mesto, then
follow the menu -- they have details of many hotels and pensions, some
close to the centre, some reachable via the internet. There are similar
Slovak Yellow Pages at by the way.

 Geoffrey Chew
 Music Department, Royal Holloway, University of London
 Internet: chew at

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