Cheap lodgings in Prague for week in May?

Nicole Monnier monniern at MISSOURI.EDU
Fri Apr 30 13:38:58 UTC 2004


My warmest thanks to all who replied both on- and off-list with their
suggestions for cheap lodging in Prague‹I was able to forward a dozen
suggestions to my colleague, who was MOST delighted. (And I¹ve saved them
all in hopes that I might be able to make use of them myself in the
not-so-distant future.)



 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Dr. Nicole Monnier 
Assistant Professor of Russian                          phone: 573.882.3370
Director of Undergraduate Studies (Russian)     fax:  573.884.8456
German & Russian Studies Dept.
415 GCB
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO  65211

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