Concordance Programs for Russian?

Vladimir Benko Vladimir.Benko at FEDU.UNIBA.SK
Wed Feb 4 08:31:25 UTC 2004

Dear Josh,

> I'm wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of Russian
> language concordance software/programs, such as the LinguaCenter
> Grammar Safari at
> for students of English.  Any additional advice on the usefulness of
> such programs integrated into the RFL classroom would be appreciated.

I am very satisfied with Wordsmith Tools by Mike Scot.  It supports
three most frequent code tables for Russian (Win 1251, DOS 866 and
KOI8-R).  A (relatively) cheap classroom licence can be bought from
OUP.  A demo version is available from:

(Please join the two previous lines before trying it -- my mail
program does not like long lines :-)

Vsego dobrogo,

Vlado B, 9:30 morning time

Vladimir Benko      <Benko at>

Comenius University, Faculty of Education
Computational Linguistics Laboratory
Moskovska 3, SK-81334 Bratislava
Tel +421-2-55576744         Fax -55572244

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