AATSEEL Newsletter - pdf

Benjamin Rifkin brifkin at WISC.EDU
Wed Feb 4 19:25:18 UTC 2004

Dear SEELANGers:

If you are a member of AATSEEL

and if you have signed up to receive the AATSEEL Newsletter in its
electronic version (a .pdf file),

then you already have the February 2004 issue.

If you haven't signed up for the electronic version, you will get the
February 2004 issue in a couple of weeks.

If you are not yet a member of AATSEEL, you can join at www.aatseel.org
(click on membership).

If you are a member, but haven't renewed for 2004, please do so at our
website (see above.)

If you would like to receive your copy of the Newsletter electronically
(.pdf), please e-mail the editor of the Newsletter, Betty Lou Leaver at
leaver at aol.com.


Ben Rifkin
President of AATSEEL

Benjamin Rifkin
Professor, UW-Madison Slavic Dept.
1432 Van Hise, 1220 Linden Dr.
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 262-1623, 262-3498

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