Russian (or Soviet) "urban legends"

Valery Belyanin vbelyanin at SONICWEBMAIL.COM
Fri Feb 6 05:54:43 UTC 2004

Hello Raul,
gorodskaya legenda is correct.
I once called it gorodskaya skazka

Âàëåðèé Áåëÿíèí / Valery Belyanin / Valeri Belianine
Editor of

Thursday, February 05, 2004, 4:14:14 PM, you wrote:
RM> Colleagues,
RM> A friend wonders whether there are any characteristically Russian (or Soviet) "urban legends" in currency, or indeed whether the term has any meaning in Russian, apart from translations of
RM> English examples.
RM> Any thoughts or examples would be welcome.
RM> R.M.
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