Texts on Avtorskaya Pesnya, Romansy

Andrew Jameson a.jameson at DIAL.PIPEX.COM
Thu Feb 5 22:26:13 UTC 2004

Emily Tall was offering a  little book (92pp) of Vysotsky texts, in Russian with English
annotations, on this list last year, accompanied by a tape. Maybe she still has a few copies.
Before Progress publishers bit the dust, they produced a series of translated memoirs / anthologies
of interesting modern writers. One of them was on Vysotsky, with translations of his songs. It was a
good sized paperback, maybe 400pp.
Professor Gerry Smith is reachable by email, if you enquire.
Andrew Jameson

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck Arndt" <chuckarndt at YAHOO.COM>
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 6:42 PM
Subject: Re: [SEELANGS] Texts on Avtorskaya Pesnya, Romansy

Dear SEELANGers:

I am interested in composing an upper-level course on
Russian Avtorskaya pesnya (bardy) and romansy. Does

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