Texts on Avtorskaya Pesnya, Romansy

Vladimir Benko Vladimir.Benko at FEDU.UNIBA.SK
Fri Feb 6 14:49:42 UTC 2004

Dear All,

> I am interested in composing an upper-level course on
> Russian Avtorskaya pesnya (bardy) and romansy. Does

I'd like to add a link to the (probably) largest archives of bards'


Regarding the suitable authors, my favourites are Yuriy Vizbor,
Veronika Dolina and Aleksandr Sukhanov.  All of them have plenty of
recordings available from the "Bard Cafe" MP3 site mentioned before.

Have a nice weekend,

Vlado B, 15:45 Spring Time

Vladimir Benko      <Benko at fedu.uniba.sk>

Comenius University, Faculty of Education
Computational Linguistics Laboratory
Moskovska 3, SK-81334 Bratislava
Tel +421-2-55576744         Fax -55572244

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