simultaneous interpreter training programs?

Svetlana Grenier greniers at GEORGETOWN.EDU
Fri Feb 13 18:26:29 UTC 2004

Dear SEELANGers,

I am forwarding a query from a student.  Perhaps you can help?  I think you
might as well respond to the list: this might be of interest to others too.

Many thanks!

Svetlana Grenier

 Here is the abbreviated request from the student:

"I asked ... for some help finding a graduate program for conference
(synchronized and consecutive).  I found a school in London,
Westminster (Old Polytech), and I know about the Monterey Institute . . .
I am particulalry interested in finding something in New York . . .I can't help
but believe that there must be something in NY, the UN being there and all.
If you could please help me out.."

Svetlana Slavskaya Grenier
Associate Professor, Slavic Languages
PO Box 571050
Georgetown University
Washington, DC 20057-1050
202-687-6108, fax 687-2408

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