new call for papers

Lina Steiner lsteiner at UCHICAGO.EDU
Tue Feb 17 13:54:40 UTC 2004

          Call for Papers
   (New Deadline: March 5, 2004)

    The University of Chicago Slavic Forum (a graduate student
organization) invites submissions of scholarly work from graduate students
in the following fields: Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, Czech, Bosnian,
Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian literature,
Slavic Linguistics, Slavic criticism and literary theory, and Balkan Studies.
The conference will be held on the
University of Chicago campus on Friday, April 23 and Saturday April 24th.
     The purpose of the conference is to provide a forum for graduate
students to present their scholarly work. There are no simultaneous panels
(or job market activities) and usually there is lively discussion.  There
are no funds for travel to Chicago, but we will provide lodging to all
out-of- town participants.
      Abstracts of papers are due by March 5. You will be notified
whether or not your paper is accepted for a panel on or before March
15th and the complete 20-minute paper must be in the hands of the discussants
by April 5th.Submissions of whole panels on a particular theme (3
talks) are acceptable.
      The Acceptance Committee is made up of advanced graduate students
with minimal participation by two faculty advisors. Particularly fine
submissions from college seniors who wish to go on in Slavic will be
considered on an equal basis with gradute submissions.
    Please send all abstracts to Prof. Anna L. Crone,Slavic Forum. Dept of
Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Chicago. 1130 E. 59th
Street,Chicago. IL 60637 or electronically acrone at or lsteiner at
by the deadline March 5, 2004.

       Anna Lisa Crone, Lina Steiner, Faculty advisers


Best regards,
 Lina                          mailto:lsteiner at

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