
VANCHU, ANTHONY J. (JSC-AH) (TTI) anthony.j.vanchu1 at JSC.NASA.GOV
Wed Feb 18 14:56:20 UTC 2004

Below is a query from one of our Russian-language students here at JSC who's
working on a paper for a space industry management class.  I've suggested a
couple of sources to him, but thought that the SEELANGS community might be
able to lend its considerable expertise.  If you can help him out here,
please send your reply to him directly at:

rlandis at ems.jsc.nasa.gov

The query:
Curious if you happen to have a couple of sources at your fingertips. Some
time ago, I recall an article or two or more... that discussed Russia's
youth and their plans for their future. During Soviet time, many were
motivated and primed to be engineers and cosmonauts (thanks to those space
spectaculars). Today .. it's more likely that men view gangsters and the
mafia rating above anything to do in space. Females ... similar. Do you have
a handy source?

Tony Vanchu

Dr. Anthony J. Vanchu
Director, JSC Language Education Center
TechTrans International, Inc.
NASA Johnson Space Center
Houston, TX
Phone:  (281) 483-0644
Fax:  (281) 483-4050

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