query: Famous poetry quotations

Francoise Rosset frosset at WHEATONMA.EDU
Mon Feb 23 20:18:23 UTC 2004

Dorogie kollegi:

Can someone point me to a basic Collection of quotations from Russian
poetry, of the "Famous quotes" variety, either in easily accessible
book form or on some web-site?

Explanation: I teach an advanced Russian course focused on poetry. As
part of their work, I want my students to remember certain key lines
that are commonly known by most Russians.
I was easy for me to point out the Pushkin lines I wanted them to
know (e.g. lines from Mednyi Vsadnik, from "Exegi monumentum," from
"Ia pomniu chudnoe mgnoven'e," from "October 19th" etc.),  ...
but as we go on it occurs to me that I would like some outside
confirmation that such-and-such line is indeed famous and popular.

Many many thanks,

Francoise Rosset, Russian and Russian Studies
Coordinator for Women's Studies, spring 2004
Wheaton College
Norton, Massachusetts 02766
phone:  (508) 286-3696
fax:    (508) 286-3640
e-mail: frosset at wheatonma.edu

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