Famous poetry quotations

Mills Charles cmills at KNOX.EDU
Mon Feb 23 21:14:40 UTC 2004

The Russian Context
Eloise Boyle & Genevra Gerhart (eds.)
Chapter 2: "Russian Poetry in Quotation" (Valentina Zaitseva)
Slavica 2001
ISBN 0-89357-287-X

>Dorogie kollegi:
>Can someone point me to a basic Collection of quotations from Russian
>poetry, of the "Famous quotes" variety, either in easily accessible
>book form or on some web-site?
>Explanation: I teach an advanced Russian course focused on poetry. As
>part of their work, I want my students to remember certain key lines
>that are commonly known by most Russians.
>I was easy for me to point out the Pushkin lines I wanted them to
>know (e.g. lines from Mednyi Vsadnik, from "Exegi monumentum," from
>"Ia pomniu chudnoe mgnoven'e," from "October 19th" etc.),  ...
>but as we go on it occurs to me that I would like some outside
>confirmation that such-and-such line is indeed famous and popular.
>Many many thanks,
>Francoise Rosset, Russian and Russian Studies
>Coordinator for Women's Studies, spring 2004
>Wheaton College
>Norton, Massachusetts 02766
>phone:  (508) 286-3696
>fax:    (508) 286-3640
>e-mail: frosset at wheatonma.edu
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