MLA call for papers

Vitaly A. Chernetsky vchernet at FAS.HARVARD.EDU
Fri Feb 27 03:46:58 UTC 2004

Dear Colleagues,

I would also like to announce a call for papers for a panel at the 2004
MLA convention (which will take place in Philadelphia, concurrently with
the AATSEEL conference; details are available at Similarly
to the one announced by Prof. Hoogenboom, this is a panel sponsored by
the MLA Division on Slavic and East European Literatures in cooperation
with AATSEEL in its capacity as an MLA affiliate organization.

The panel's title is "Rethinking the Gulag Narrative." Proposals are
welcome dealing with the broad range of issues involved in reading and
interpreting texts written during or about the Gulag experience (letters,
memoirs, fiction, poetry, as well as works in other genres and other
media). Please send abstracts to vchernet at by March 15th.

Please note that all panelists must be current members of the MLA by April
1st of this year.

Vitaly Chernetsky

On Mon, 23 Feb 2004, Hilde Hoogenboom wrote:
> I would like to list a panel for MLA 2004 that did not make the recently
> published call for papers.
> "In Hot Water: Spa Culture"
> From Roman baths to "Anna Karenina," taking the waters has created places,
> architecture, art, dress, journeys, texts, and rituals. Papers on any
> aspect of this phenomenon. Please send abstracts to
> hoogenboom at by March 15th.

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