/ RE: [SEELANGS] meaning of name Liudmila

Stuart Goldberg stuart.goldberg at MODLANGS.GATECH.EDU
Fri Feb 27 16:36:02 UTC 2004

I am answering to the list because the resource is worth knowing about.

On, among other dictionaries, there is an online Slovar'
russkikh imen.

Their spravka is also a very nice service.  They are usually quite
quick, and one answer I received included references to 17th- and early
18th-century dictionaries.


ЛЮДМИЛА, -ы, ж. Слав.
Производные: Людмилка; Люда; Людуся; Люся; Люсиша; Людаха; Людаша;
Людуха; Людуша; Люля; Мила (Миля); Милаша; Милуся; Милуша; Мика.
[Женск. к Людмил (см.).]
†29 сент.

ЛЮДМИЛ*, -а, м. Слав.
Отч.: Людмилович, Людмиловна; разг. Людмилыч.
Производные: Люда; Люся; Мила.
[От люд- (ср. люди) и мил- (ср. милый).]

-----Original Message-----
From: Slavic & East European Languages and Literature list
[mailto:SEELANGS at LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU] On Behalf Of Morsberger, Grace
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 10:55 AM
Subject: [SEELANGS] meaning of name Liudmila

Does anyone have quick access to Petrovskii's Slovar' lychnykh imen? I
urgently need the meaning of the name Liudmila. Please send replies to
me off-list at morsbergerg at Thank you!


Grace Morsberger

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