meaning of name Liudmila

Alina Israeli aisrael at AMERICAN.EDU
Fri Feb 27 17:26:11 UTC 2004

>I never knew that dictionary existed.  It's great that you mentioned it.
>Nonetheless, I've just always assumed that it means "kind person" like
>"люди милые", except singular and feminine.

More likely милая людям. And this is something to ponder about: it's not
what she is, but what she is perceived as. Such differences occur elswhere:
delicate and деликатный. The English one means that people should be
careful with the object described this way. The Russian one means the the
person described this way is careful with other. As the result there are
lots of hidden false cognates that dictionaries simply neglect. Such
differences occur between English and French as well.

 Alina Israeli
 LFS, American University
 4400 Mass. Ave., NW
 Washington, DC 20016

 phone:    (202) 885-2387
 fax:      (202) 885-1076 

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