New Yorker article on translating Tolstoevsky

David Powelstock pstock at BRANDEIS.EDU
Wed Nov 2 20:43:30 UTC 2005

Dear SEELANGers,
I just received the newest issue of The New Yorker (7 November), in which
there is a substantial article by David Remnick, entitled (and subentitled),
"The Translation Wars: How the race translate Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky [sic!]
continues to spark feuds, end friendships, and create small fortunes." Whew.
Haven't read it yet, but it sure sounds juicy. (Sadly, this piece is not
among those that the magazine is offering for free on its website.)
All best wishes,

David Powelstock

Asst. Prof. of Russian & East European Literatures

Chair, Program in Russian & East European Studies

Brandeis University

GREA, MS 024

Waltham, MA  02454-9110

781.736.3347 (Office)


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