Needed: Authors for "Beginning Latvian" and "Beginning Lithianian" textbooks

lvisson at AOL.COM lvisson at AOL.COM
Sun Nov 6 17:12:34 UTC 2005

         Hippocrene Books is seeking authors for "Beginning Latvian" and 
"Beginning Lithuanian" as part of its series of small  self-teachers ? 
introductory language texts. Books are aimed at a wide audience, 
students, teachers, people of Latvian and Lithuanian background 
interested in learning these languages, those interested in acquiring a 
basic knowledge of these languages for travel or purposes of elementary 
         Each book in the series is accompanied by 2 CDs with dialogues 
read out by native speakers, and these are recorded in a professional 
studio by Hippocrene.The emphasis is on basic pronunciation,  
vocabulary and grammar.
         For further information on requirements, conditions, 
compensation,  receiving a sample book from this series, etc.,  please 
contact Dr. Lynn Visson, Editor, Hippocrene Books at:   
vissonhippocrene at
Thank you,

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