reposting of job announcement - Toronto

Christina E. Kramer ce.kramer at UTORONTO.CA
Mon Nov 7 22:08:40 UTC 2005

Dear Colleagues:

I am posting a corrected job announcement for the Univ. of Toronto Teaching-
stream position in Russian. This version of the ad will appear in the web MLA 
job list and the CAUT. Please inform all qualified applicants of this job 


Christina E. Kramer, Chair

Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
University of Toronto


Opening for a full-Time Teaching-stream appointment at the rank of Lecturer 
for Language Program Coordinator to teach courses in Russian language at all 
levels, supervise TAs in Russian language, and provide pedagogic training in 
all Slavic language programs in our department. 

Starting date July 1, 2006. The initial appointment is for three years with 
the possibility of renewal for an additional two years. Promotion to Senior 
lecturer and a continuing appointment is possible after the initial five 

Requirements include: Ph.D. at time of appointment, native or near native 
command of Russian and English, North American experience teaching Russian at 
several levels, strong interest and demonstrated excellence in language 
teaching, experience in developing language teaching materials and extra-
curricular enrichment for undergraduates. Experience in developing computer 
and web-based  language course materials and some background in linguistics 

Send letter of interest, graduate transcript, 3 letters of recommendation, a 
sample of teaching materials, student evaluations, and a statement of language 
teaching philosophy to Christina E. Kramer, Chair, Department of Slavic 
Languages and Literatures, University of Toronto, 121 Saint Joseph Street, 
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1J4. 

Completed dossiers should be received in the department by December 2, 2005. 

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and 
permanent residents will be given priority. The University of Toronto is 
strongly committed to diversity within its community. The University of 
Toronto especially welcomes applications from visible minority group members, 
women, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, members of sexual 
minority groups, and others who may contribute to further diversification of 

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