Bogdanov's "Red Star"

Glushchenko, Alexei A. Alexei.A.Glushchenko at PLC-OIL.RU
Tue Nov 8 07:22:24 UTC 2005

> Linda Knox

> I am trying to find a good translation for zavetnaia,
> as in Russkaia zavetnaia idiomatika.
Assuming you are referring to the meaning of "zavetny" described by Dahl as

"Заветать - <...> Наложить на что завет, запрещенье, заказ, зарок <...>"
("Zavetat' - <...> Nalozhit' na chto zavet, zapreshchenye, zakaz, zarok <...>")

I would say that "forbidden idioms" or "taboo idioms" might come pretty close.

Afanasyev's "Zavetnye skazki" have been variously referred to in English as "naughty tales" , "bawdy tales", "erotic tales" and even "secret tales" (obviously a misineterpretation based on another meaning of zavetny -- "задушевный, тайный; свято хранимый").

Alexei Glushchenko

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