Sergei Osipov

A.Smith a.smith at CAVEROCK.NET.NZ
Tue Nov 8 23:08:22 UTC 2005

Dear Professor Shatsev,

I was intrigued by your reference to Osipov's quote. You wrote: "Russian not
well known poet Sergei Osipov said:"Stalinism is a triumph of mediocrity
on  the international ground. Fascism is a triumph of mediocrity on national
ground." Could you please provide me with more details regards this quote:
where did it appear and when? Osipov's phrase resonates well with Boris
Pasternak's conversations with Gladkov  about totalitarian societies and
mediocre psychology. I will be grateful for any further information on
Osipov. Thank you.

Alexandra Smith

University of Canterbury,
New Zealand

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