Tatiana Artemieva tatart at
Thu Nov 10 19:52:33 UTC 2005

Uvazhaemye kollegi,
Institut mezhdunarodnyh svyazei Rossiiskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta im Gercena, gde ya rabotayu direktorom poluchil zadanie provesti analiticheskuyu rabotu po sleduyushim napravleniyam:
 	Podgotovit' analiticheskoe obobshenie zarubezhnogo opyta privlecheniya studentov, rabotodatelei i vypusknikov k ocenke deyatel'nosti vuza
 	Podgotovit' analiticheskoe obobshenie zarubezhnogo opyta  akkreditacii otdel'nyh obrazovatel'nyh programm vysshego professional'nogo obrazovaniya
 	Podgotovit' analiticheskoe obobshenie zarubezhnogo opyta privlecheniya obshestvennosti i professional'nogo soobshestva k ocenke kachestva otdel'nyh obrazovatel'nyh programm

Zadacha slozhnaya i ya reshila obratit'sya k Vam za pomosh'yu.
Ochen' vas proshu prislat' svoi soobrazheniya po etomu povodu. Mozhet byt' Vy znaete kak reshaetsya eta problema v vuzah, gde vy prepodavali, ili byli na stazhirovke. Ya budu blagodarna, esli Vy privedete chastnye  primery, svyazannye s deyatel'nost'yu takogo roda, ukazav vuz ili kolledzh. Ya budu ochen' blagodarna, esli vy opishite mne konkretnye primery, prishlete varianty oprosov, scenarii interv'yu, adresa saitov, gde mozhno proyasnit' etu problemu.
tatart at
S glubokim uvazheniem,
Tat'yana Artem'eva

Dear colleagues,
Institute of International Connections
of Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia where I am a director received an output programme to: 
1.	Analyze international experience to use opinions of students, alumni, and employers to valuate university activity
2.	Analyze international experience of accreditation of university educational programmes and syllabi 
3.	Analyze international experience to use public opinion and opinion of professional societies to evaluate university educational programmes and syllabi 
The task is very difficult and I decides to ask your help.
Would you be so kind to send me information how this problem are solving in your universities or colleges. I am interested in examples, questionnaires, forms, Internet cites etc.
Yours sincerely,
Tatiana Artemieva
tatart at

Professor Tatiana V. Artemieva
Kazanskaja ul, 3a
St. Petersburg, 191186, Russia
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Institute of International Connections

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