Research on the integration of technology in learning foreign languages

Vladimir Konovaliouk konovav at NCC.EDU
Sat Nov 12 18:27:46 UTC 2005

Dear colleagues-

I need your assistance for my research on the technology-based 
resources in foreign languages.
Please provide me with a title of the textbook(s) that your Department 
adopted this semester to teach the following courses:

Beginning French -

Beginning German -

Beginning Italian -

Beginning Russian -

Beginning Spanish -


Intermediate French -

Intermediate German -

Intermediate Italian -

Intermediate Russian -

Intermediate Spanish -

(College/ University - ...)
Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Please reply to 
konovav at

Vladimir Konovaliouk, Instructor and Lab Coordinator
Department of Foreign Languages
Nassau CC
Garden City, NY 11530
voice: 516-572-7416
fax: 516-572-8173
office: M-305
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