UNC Chapel Hill job announcement--Hungarian Culture

Beth Holmgren beth_holmgren at UNC.EDU
Tue Nov 15 20:23:29 UTC 2005


The Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University
of  North Carolina-Chapel Hill invites applications for the Laszlo
Birinyi, Sr. Professorship in Hungarian Language and Culture, a full
professorship with tenure effective July 1 2006. The Department seeks
a specialist in Hungarian culture with strong interests in one or more
of the following fields: literary analysis and history, cultural
studies, linguistics, film and media studies, critical theory. The
successful candidate will be a distinguished scholar with demonstrated
excellence in teaching on both graduate and undergraduate levels and
teaching experience in the American university system.  Teaching
obligations include general and specialized courses in Hungarian
culture and language. Excellent (native or near-native) knowledge of
Hungarian and English is required.  Secondary specialization in any
subfield of Slavic literary studies, cultural studies, or linguistics
is desirable.  

Applicants are requested to send a letter detailing their research and
teaching interests, an updated curriculum vitae, a writing sample, and
four confidential letters of recommendation.  Women and minorities are
encouraged to apply.  The University of North Carolina is an Equal
Opportunity Employer.   No electronic applications, please.  Deadline
for receipt of applications is February 15, 2006.

All nominations and applications should be sent to:
Professor Madeline Levine
Search Committee Chair
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
CB #3165
425 Dey Hall
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3165

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