Call for Papers: Linguistics & Social Theory in the USSR (Sheffield, UK)

Neil Bermel n.bermel at SHEFFIELD.AC.UK
Tue Nov 15 11:20:24 UTC 2005



I'm posting this on behalf of a colleague.  Please direct all preliminary
enquiries and abstracts to the conference address:
soviet-socio at .  


Best regards,


Neil Bermel




Call for Papers


The Bakhtin Centre in the Department of Russian and Slavonic Studies at the
University of Sheffield, U.K. is organising a conference entitled:


Linguistics and Social Theory in the USSR, 1917-1938

September 9-11, 2006


Proposals for papers are invited which discuss all aspects the relationship
between linguistic and social theory in the USSR in the inter-war period.
Proposals that address the following questions are particularly welcome:

.           What was the relationship between institutional structures and
theories of language developed in the Soviet Union?

.           What was the relationship between the practical work conducted
by linguists in accordance with Soviet language policy and the sociological
theories of language they developed?

.           What are the distinctive features and what is the continuing
relevance of the sociology of language developed in the early Soviet Union? 

.           What are the intellectual sources of the ideas of Soviet
sociologists of language?

.           How are pre-Revolutionary Russian philology and the sociology of
language of the early Soviet period related?

.           How is the development of a sociological approach to language
related to such contiguous areas as psychology (e.g. Vygotskii, Luria),
folkloristics (e.g. Sokolov, Freidenberg, Frank-Kamenetskii, Zhirmunskii),
literary studies (e.g. Zhirmunskii, the Bakhtin Circle, Russian Formalism)?


The conference is part of the project "The rise of sociological linguistics
in the Soviet Union, 1917-1938: Institutions, Ideas and Agendas", which is
funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), details of which
is available on the project webpage at:


Proposals of 250 words maximum, bearing the proposer's name, title and
affiliation, can be submitted as Word document sent as an email attachment
to soviet-socio at, by fax to +44 (0)114 2227416 or by using
the online form which will be available via the project webpage, above. The
closing date for proposals is 31 January 2006. The working languages of the
conference are English and Russian. The conference will also be synchronised
with the Annual Colloquium of the Henry Sweet Society for the History of
Linguistic Ideas, which runs 7-10 September. Those attending the conference
will be welcome to enrol in the HSS Colloquium and vice versa.


Dr. Craig Brandist

Dr. Katya Chown.


Neil Bermel
Russian & Slavonic Studies
University of Sheffield S10 2TN U.K.
tel. (+44) (0)114 222 7405
fax (+44) (0)114 222 7416


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