further searches?

Audrey Gaquin gaquin at USNA.EDU
Wed Nov 16 15:02:11 UTC 2005

Dear Professor Hill,
You mentioned that you have the e-mail address of Ludmila Pruner.  She used to teach here at USNA, but we have lost touch with her since she left.  Now another colleague is retiring, and I think she might wish to be informed about this.  Would you be willing to send me her e-mail address?
Audrey Gaquin, Language Studies, U.S. Naval Academy

>>> s-hill4 at UIUC.EDU 11/16/05 12:48 AM >>>
Dear colleagues...

...and particularly one colleague who, a few weeks ago, was seeking 
an address or some other info about "Canadian Slavic Studies" (appx.
title) :

Rummaging in my files today, in search of the E-Mail address of 
L(i)udmila Pruner (which a SEELANGS subscriber had kindly sent 
me last summer), I ran across what looks like the E-Mail address 
of CHARLES SCHLACKS, who used to be (perhaps still is) the 
publisher of titles like "Canadian Slavic Studies" or "Canadian 
Slavonic Papers" (appx. titles)...

If anybody needs Prof Schlacks'  E-Mail  address,  let me know 
and I will forward it to you.

Best regards, S.P.H.
(Steven P.Hill,
University of Illinois.)

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