Blok plays

Audrey Wood audreycw at GMAIL.COM
Tue Nov 22 03:44:24 UTC 2005

I meant to say that I would like to purchase a copy of Blok's plays. Can
anyone suggest a dealer that would have his plays in Russian? I have already
looked through many catalogues and can't seem to locate one.

Thanks again,

audreycw at

On 11/21/05, Audrey Wood <audreycw at> wrote:
> Can anyone please tell me where I can get my hands on a copy of Aleksandr
> Blok's plays in Russian? I am specifically looking for his Trilogy of
> Lyric
> Dramas. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Please reply off-line
> Best,
> Audrey Wood
> audreycw at
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