OPI workshop for Russian?

Nicole Monnier monniern at MISSOURI.EDU
Tue Nov 22 16:20:01 UTC 2005


A belated thanks for the info on the workshop! Would you happen to know how
much it costs (a rough guestimate is fine) - I'm considering applying for
university funding to attend.



Dr. Nicole Monnier
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Director of Undergraduate Studies (Russian)
German & Russian Studies
415 GCB
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211

phone: 573.882.3370

On 11/16/05 4:20 PM, "Prokhorova, Elena" <eprokhor at RICHMOND.EDU> wrote:

> Dear Nicole,
> the next Workshop is planned for 13-16 July at Middlebury.  The Russian
> section is contingent on enrollement, but the Middlebury Workshop normally has
> enough people in Russian.
> Sincerely,
> Elena Prokhorova
> ACTFL-certified tester and trainer in Russian
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Slavic & East European Languages and Literature list on behalf of Nicole
> Monnier
> Sent: Wed 11/16/2005 5:10 PM
> Cc: 
> Subject: [SEELANGS] OPI workshop for Russian?
> Dear SEELANGSers!
> Does anyone know whether there will be an OPI training workshop for Russian
> (that is, to train instructors to carry out the OPI exam) somewhere
> (anywhere!) in the US in next 6-8 months?
> Curiously,
> Nicole
> ****************************
> Dr. Nicole Monnier
> Assistant Professor of Instruction
> Director of Undergraduate Studies (Russian)
> German & Russian Studies
> 415 GCB
> University of Missouri
> Columbia, MO 65211
> phone: 573.882.3370
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