copyright permission for prints in the Hermitage Collection

Janice Pilch pilch at UIUC.EDU
Fri Jan 6 02:47:32 UTC 2006

Dear Andrew,

If the woodblock prints were previously published anywhere 
before 1923, the images of them are likely in the public 
domain in the U.S. Even if they were published later, or in 
some cases if they were never published, they might be in the 
public domain in the U.S. Is your colleague intending to 
publish them in the U.S.? 

If you would like to send me more details, it's possible that 
some time and trouble can be saved by determining that 
permissions are not necessary. A few of us on the the AAASS 
B&D Subcommittee on Copyright Issues have considerable 
experience assessing copyright in situations like this, and 
will be happy to lend some informal, non-legal, but helpful 
advice. I don't know about the correct contact person at the 
Hermitage Rights and Reproductions Office, which just lists 
contact info as Tel. (812) 710-95-12 and Fax (812) 710-95-04.

Best regards,

Janice Pilch

---- Original message ----
>Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 12:52:44 -0600
>From: adrozd at BAMA.UA.EDU  
>Subject: [SEELANGS] copyright permission for prints in the 
Hermitage Collection  
>Dear SEELangers:
>   A colleague in Chinese studies has been trying to contact 
>Hermitage regarding permission to publish several images of 
>woodblock prints in the collection there. So far her 
attempts have been
>fruitless. Would anyone on the list happen to know whom she 
should contact?
>Andrew M. Drozd
>Associate Professor of Russian
>University of Alabama
>adrozd at
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Janice T. Pilch, Assistant Professor of Library Administration; Acting Head, Slavic and East European Acquisitions; Librarian for South Slavic Studies, Baltic Studies, and Slavic Languages & Literatures
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 
1408 West Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801 
Tel. (217) 244-9399

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