AAASS panel cfp -- Poets and their Precursors

Donald Loewen djloewen at
Fri Jan 6 18:30:24 UTC 2006


If anyone is interested in presenting a paper in the panel "Poets and 
their Precursors" at the Nov 2006 AAASS, please send me a short abstract 
as soon as possible.  Papers may discuss aspects of the poet's 
relationship with a significant precursor as they are reflected in  
poetry, prose, or other areas.  Proposals related to either Russian or 
non-Russian poets are welcome.  Please contact me directly off-list at 
<djloewen at>.
With best wishes to all for a Happy and Joyous New Year,
Don Loewen

Assistant Professor of Russian
Dept. of German, Russian and East Asian Languages
Binghamton University (SUNY)

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