North American Pushkin Society - 2006

Victoria Sevastianova victoria.v.sevastianova at DARTMOUTH.EDU
Tue Jan 10 18:53:14 UTC 2006

Dear All,


As the new President of the North American Pushkin Society, I am writing to thank our members for participating in the NAPS panels at the recent AAASS (Salt Lake City) and AATSEEL (Washington, DC) conferences and for your continued support of the Society's activities. I would also encourage you to renew your membership for 2006 and to update your mailing address. For your convenience, a membership form is located at the bottom of this email. Membership in NAPS is $12.50 for one year ($11 for students) and includes a subscription to the journal, The Pushkin Review. Please send your membership form and check, payable to the North American Pushkin Society, to: Stuart Goldberg, NAPS Secretary-Treasurer, School of Modern Languages, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA 30332-0375.


The North American Pushkin Society will again sponsor panels at both of the national conferences. In addition to the annual panel, we will hold our roundtable on "Teaching Pushkin" at the AAASS 2006 conference (Washington, DC). We welcome your submissions for the NAPS panel that I will chair at the AATSEEL 2006 conference in Philadelphia. Please note that the deadlines for submission of abstracts are April 15 (first deadline) and August 1 (second deadline).


NAPS is currently in the process of preparing the next volume of the Pushkin Review. We welcome submissions for articles, book reviews, new translations, and notes on Teaching Pushkin. Please send your submissions to Pushkin Review, preferably by email, to Catherine O'Neil (coneil at, Megan Dixon (mldixon at, or Angela Brintlinger (brintlinger.3 at


Our website can provide you with additional information about the Society.


Finally, I would like to introduce myself as the new President of NAPS for 2006. I am a lecturer at Dartmouth College, and my article on the Tales of Belkin was recently published in Die Welt der Slaven. I look forward to working with NAPS members to ensure the Society's continued visibility. Further, it is my great pleasure to introduce Angela Brintlinger (Ohio State University) as President-Elect for 2007. 


With best regards,

Victoria Sevastianova

Dartmouth College

Please send this form with your payment.



Rates: $12.50 US per year ($11.00 US for students)

            $25.00 US for two years ($22.00 US for students)


New Member information:








Mailing Address:







E-mail Address:



Please send this form to: 


Stuart Goldberg

NAPS Secretary-Treasurer

School of Modern Languages

Georgia Institute of Technology

Atlanta, GA  30332-0375 


Checks should be made out to NAPS.

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