National Security Language Initiative

Nina Shevchuk n_shevchuk at YAHOO.COM
Thu Jan 12 14:18:54 UTC 2006

On the topic of citizenship and translating for the government - I think we all realize that whichever government agencies are needing stuff translated would get ahead much faster if they hired freelancers (never gonna happen) or at least permanent residents. Seriously, what are the chances of finding a willing naturalized citizen who's also fully bilingual? Especially for that Civilian Linguistic Corps that expects translators to volunteer their extremely valuable time and efforts. If one can serve in the army without being a citizen and by doing so get on the fast track for citizenship, I fail to see why the government won't reward service in other agencies likewise. 
  A permanent resident.

Sarah Hurst <sarahhurst at ALASKA.NET> wrote:
  a) I am a dual national, I've been a U.S. citizen since birth,
b) The UK is supposed to be an ally of the U.S.
c) I hardly think freelance translating is in the same league as a position
in the diplomatic service. 

But then, the U.S. doesn't want gays translating for the military, either. 

Sarah Hurst

-----Original Message-----
From: Slavic & East European Languages and Literature list
[mailto:SEELANGS at LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU] On Behalf Of Alina Israeli
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: [SEELANGS] National Security Language Initiative

> "Do you have dual
>citizenship, and if so, would you be prepared to renounce your non-U.S.
>citizenship?" I said yes, I have dual U.S.-UK citizenship and no I wouldn't
>be prepared to renounce my citizenship.
>Sarah Hurst

Do you know of any country that would like to hire a foreign national for a
national security job? I would be interested to know what country has such
lax policy.

Do you know of countries that would hire foreign nationals for government
jobs of any kind (excluding custodial, and even then)?

Alina Israeli
LFS, American University
4400 Mass. Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20016

phone: (202) 885-2387
fax: (202) 885-1076 

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